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Title: Propuestas de actuación urbana para la reducción del miedo, desde el análisis del entorno urbano construido y su influencia sobre la percepción de la seguridad. El caso del Barrio Centenario de la ciudad de Manta, Ecuador
Author: Vera Fernández, Angel
Tutor: Valentín López, Vicenç
Abstract: The following research work is aligned with the concepts of creating inclusive and collaborative cities from the perspective of security and conflict, in order to achieve greater guarantees for the right to the city and to security, which is so lacking in Ecuador, Latin America and the world in general. The work focuses directly on the analysis of the built urban environment as a tool and opportunity that can be regulated and controlled in our cities, from the perspective of city governance and management, with proposals for integral and multidisciplinary urban action, taking into consideration the gender perspective, to allow public spheres to be built in a collaborative manner to tend to the reduction of the perception of insecurity. The case of the Centenario neighbourhood in the city of Manta in Ecuador will be the area analysed to test the hypothesis of this work, since its size and urban public conditions are directly related to the purposes of the study. Consequently, this work aims to be able to extrapolate urban action proposals that mitigate the negative effects of the perception of insecurity, duly framed within the municipal competencies of the city of Manta and those of the Ecuadorian State in general.
Keywords: perception of safety
perceptions of insecurity
right to the city
public space
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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