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Title: La supervisión psicopedagógica: las nuevas miradas desde la ética del cuidado
Author: Siscar Boils, Mónica
Tutor: Cercos Raichs, Raquel  
Abstract: This Master's thesis promotes psycho-pedagogical supervision from a feminist perspective of the ethics of care among professionals in the non-formal setting with socially vulnerable children and youth in the Valencian Community. All this because it is a professional practice hardly developed in this context and because it is an opportunity to explore the psycho-pedagogical functions in this field. By means of a qualitative research and through the autoethnographic method, I focus on the interpretation of my professional experience and what I have learned in supervision processes. All this in order to make a contribution to the existing Theoretical framework on the subject, prior analysis of the same, with the development of a new definition of supervision that includes the values of the ethics of care, such as responsibility, interdependence, care and recognition of human vulnerability. Assuming also the challenge of analyzing and complementing the aspects that imply the different view of social educator and psycho-pedagogical.
Keywords: socio-community field
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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