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Title: Teletrabajo y conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar desde la perspectiva de género: ¿Es útil para fomentar la conciliación corresponsable?
Author: Saiz Zamora, Raúl
Tutor: Gorroño Arregui, Idoya
Abstract: With the advance of new technologies, in the middle of the 20th century, telework is consolidated as a new form of work organisation that provides employees with greater flexibility. For its part, society is progressing in its drive to move towards real equality, both in terms of work and family life, and thus, the need to reconcile work and family life has arisen. Linking both concepts, the possibility of teleworking favouring this equality in households, in the sharing of responsibilities and the working conditions of teleworkers is explored in depth. In this way, 65 people living in the Community of Madrid (31 men and 34 women), aged between 18 and 55, and with the possibility of teleworking, responded to a series of questions on personal perception in relation to the time dedicated to domestic tasks, care, working time, working conditions and satisfaction, with the aim of analysing this perception according to sex. In this way, it has been shown that women increase the time spent on care and domestic tasks when teleworking, while men have more personal time, reflecting the fact that teleworking does not result in an equal sharing of domestic and care responsibilities. Moreover, conditions for teleworkers are less favourable than when working face-to-face, with more negative values for women. Finally, satisfaction with personal life, work and organisation, as well as the usefulness of teleworking as an element to reduce work-related stress show high values for both genders.
Keywords: teleworking
work-life balance
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
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