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Title: Eficiència dels sistemes de xifrat en protocols de servei de xarxa
Author: Martin Avellana, Victor
Tutor: Farràs Ballabriga, Gerard  
Others: Rifà-Pous, Helena  
Abstract: Nowadays, communications through Internet have become essential in our daily life at all levels; social, professional, financial affairs, to pay tax or with the eCommerce. At the same time, all business have to submit their documentation trough Internet. The network provides access, but we must have to assure the security of those communications because IP Protocol was not designed to be secure itself. The SSL/TLS protocol was made as result of this. The TLS protocol uses public-key Cryptography. This, is using Cipher Suites to create a secure connection. These protocols are responsible for providing authentication, encryption, key exchange, and integrity services. After we have understood we need security connections, we have to implement keys that provide efficiency to the proces of encrypting the data. In order to know the keys with the highest performance, we have carried out a performance study and a comparison between ECDSA and RSA keys. The cipher suites were created to be an entity in themselves. The protocols of each cipher suite are compatible with each other. Together they provide a degree of security that has been validated as a security by IANA and RFC. ECDSA public key certificates make use of elliptic curve algorithms to encrypt and sign information. This implementation, together with the use of TLSv1.3 brings the highest efficiency in the performance of applications that must offer an encrypted communication.
Keywords: encryption
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Dec-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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