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Title: Anàlisi de la percepció de la influència del ciberactivisme a la salut mental del col·lectiu LGBTIQ+
Author: Foraster Rovira, Fèlix
Tutor: Guerrero Palmero, Alberto
Abstract: As the use of social media has increased exponentially in recent years, so has the presence of hate speech against non-normative minorities on such platforms. Social media has become a place where these minorities can connect with like-minded people, but also a virtual space full of prejudice and discrimination. This study explores the relationship between, on the one hand, the positive effects of network activism (sense of belonging and empowerment) and, on the other hand, the negative effects such as discrimination and stigmatisation to which Sexual and Gender Minorities (SGM) are usually more exposed. Based on the theoretical model of Minority Stress, which has studied the effect of perceived discrimination and internalised stigma on SGMs, and on Social Identity Theory, which analyses the strategies that minority groups follow to improve their identity vis-à-vis the majority group, we will explore the personal experiences of people between 18 and 46 years old who lead non-normative activism projects in a Spanish-speaking environment. Through qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews and the relevant content analysis, the seven interviews conducted have allowed us to delve deeper into the perception and management of these variables, finding results that are in line with those of other recent studies: the feeling of belonging to a community of peers acts as a modulator of the discomfort caused by the perception of social stigma and discrimination in the form of hate messages, while the feeling of help and usefulness towards this community of peers generates a feeling of empowerment - by giving meaning and transcendence to the objective pursued - which acts as a reducer of the perceived levels of anxiety and stress. Furthermore, it has been found that the activist perceives their project as a protective space against discriminatory and hateful messages, which is why we believe it would be interesting to explore this topic in future research, as online activism becomes a possible therapeutic strategy to follow in order to modulate the effects of Minority Stress. The conclusions of this study are that digital activism works as a modulator of the effects of Minority Stress, decreasing the perception of discrimination and empowering the person in the defence of the dissident identity, reducing the negative effects of social stigma. The action of making the discriminated identity visible on digital platforms, with the support of the peer group, becomes an important resource in the direction of improving the mental health of SGMs and further research in this direction is invited.
Keywords: gender studies
sexual and gender minorities
mental health
minority stress
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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