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Títol: Women in the Digital Age : Final Report
Autoria: Tarín Quirós, Carlota
Guerra Morales, Esther
Rivera Pastor, Rafael
Fraile Carmona, Alberto
Sainz, Milagros  
Madinaveitia Herrera, Usúe
Citació: Tarín Quírós, C. [Carlota]. Guerra Morales, E. [Esther]. Rivera Pastor, R. [Rafael]. Fraile Carmona, A. [Alberto]. Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. Fraile Carmona, A. & Madinaveitia Herrera, U. (2018). Women in the Digital Age : Final Report. (p. 215). Luxembourg: European Comission
Resum: This study aims to identify key factors and trends in the participation of women in ICT and its dynamics and analyses the practices enabling women's participation in the digital world. 57% of tertiary graduates in the EU are women, but only 24.9% of them graduate in ICT-related fields, and very few enter the sector. Women make up 13% of the graduates in ICT-related fields working in digital jobs compared to 15% in 2011. Globally, figures indicate that women's participation in the ICT and digital sector are not improving significantly. Data trends and qualitative analysis suggest that gender inequality in the digital sphere is essentially a result of the persistence of strong unconscious biases about what is appropriate and what capacities each gender has, as well as about the technologies themselves. Therefore, to address this situation, cultural change and initiatives at micro level can help develop female digital entrepreneurship. If existing biases are not addressed, rapid economic advances achieved by digital transformation will not take into account existing gender gap in the sector which will simply amplify and, possibly perpetuate gender stereotypes.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2759/517222
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 2-gen-2018
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