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Title: Què és CORA.RDR i què ofereix?
Other Titles: Publica, gestiona i dona accés als teus datasets de manera FAIR i seguint les directrius de l'EOSC amb CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca. Beneficis de publicar dades de recerca a CORA.RDR
¿Qué es CORA.RDR y qué ofrece?
Publica, gestiona y da acceso a tus datasets de modo FAIR y siguiendo las directrices de la EOSC con CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca. Beneficios de publicar datos de investigación en CORA.RDR
What is CORA.RDR and what does it offer?
Publish, manage and provide access to your datasets following FAIR principles and in accordance with the EOSC guidelines with CORA.Research Data Repository. Benefits of publishing research data in CORA.RDR
Author: Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya
Abstract: Infographic with characteristics and benefits of publishing research data in CORA.Research Data Repository. This infographic has been prepared by the Open Science Area of the CSUC with the aim of disseminating the use of the repository to all the researchers of the institutions integrated in CORA.RDR.
Keywords: research data
institutional repositories
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical
Issue Date: 8-Sep-2023
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Appears in Collections:Materiales formativos

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