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Títol: A free terminology extraction suite
Autoria: Oliver, Antoni  
Vàzquez, Mercè  
Citació: Oliver, A. [Antoni] & Vàzquez, M. [Mercè]. (2007). A Free Terminology Extraction Suite. Translating and the computer 29. ASLIB Information management (p. 1-28). London: ASLIB Publications
Resum: In this paper we will present a set of terminology extraction tools that are distributed under a Free Software License, so that users can freely download, use, distribute and modify them to meet their needs. The tools are mainly programmed in Perl and they will work under different platforms, such as Windows or Linux. These terminology extraction tools will help freelance translators, translation agencies and companies to find the best translation of a term or to build monolingual or multilingual terminological glossaries. Moreover, translators, correctors and terminologists can use The Free Terminology Extraction Suite to create a terminological database for a specialist domain so as to automatically obtain a list of domain-specific lexical units (potential terms) with their equivalent translations from bilingual corpora of domain-specific documents.
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Data de publicació: 15-oct-2007
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
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