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Title: Seguridad en internet de las cosas: firmwares, vulnerabilidades y riesgos en la rapidez del desarrollo y consumo de internet of things
Author: Calvo del Olmo, Álvaro
Director: Hernández Gañán, Carlos  
Tutor: Garcia-Font, Victor  
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IOT) has become a revolution: the possibility of connecting all kinds of things, objects and appliances from home (or the company) to the Internet. We have in our hands or with our voice the possibility of giving orders, checking and having a home ultraconnected to the Internet network. However, each device has a specific software that in many cases has developed too quickly or hasn¿t support in a few years. In addition, the current philosophy of consuming technology in a compulsive and fast way, we are exposing our privacy, our home, our families, or our information to the cybercriminal who without opening the door of our home can do what he wants with us. In this TFM I try to explain with real examples, the steps to investigate the firmware of an IOT device and explain the vulnerabilities or design and configuration errors that we can have in our home. It will also explain what factors or devices around the IOT can affect and how they can be involved in malwares or botnets.
Keywords: privacy
computer security
internet of things
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 31-Dec-2018
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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