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Título : A Social Cognitive Theory of sustainability empathy
Autoría: Font, Xavier  
Garay, Lluis  
Jones, Steve
Otros: Leeds Beckett University
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Citación : Font, X., Garay, L. & Jones, S. (2016). A social cognitive theory of sustainability empathy. Annals of Tourism Research, 58(), 65-80. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2016.02.004
Resumen : Social-Cognitive Theory is used to test the argument that the motivations behind sustainable tourism, and the types of sustainable actions undertaken, depend on one's empathy towards sustainability. Latin American businesses were surveyed about their motivations for acting sustainably and any sustainability actions undertaken. Based on their responses, TwoStep cluster analysis found four clusters (cost, legitimisation, biospheric, and lifestyle). Acceptance of responsibility to be more sustainable depends on one's level of empathy with, and attachment to, sustainability, explained by a beneficiary focus (personal norms that drive one to act to help oneself or others) and a cultural focus (acting in response to individualistic or collectivistic social norms). Lifestyle businesses are argued to be culturally individualistic but self-transcendent in benefit focus.
Palabras clave : colectivismo
DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2016.02.004
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versión del documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersion
Fecha de publicación : feb-2016
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