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Title: Proyecto E-MATH "Uso de las TIC en asignaturas cuantitativas aplicadas"
Author: Bautista, Guillermo  
Duart, Josep M  
Juan, Angel A.  
Álvarez Mouvet, Mar
Arratia García, Óscar
Bargueño Fariñas, Vicente
Faulin, Javier  
García Martín, Rafael
Kizys, Renatas  
López Ratera, Anna
Manzanedo Del Hoyo, Luis María
Martínez Boscá, Jose Francisco
Molinàs Mata, Patrici
Monge Ivars, Juan Francisco
Pérez Rodríguez, María Teresa
Renobell Santarén, Victor
Rodriguez Velazquez, Juan Alberto  
Sedano Hoyuelos, Máximo
Steegmann Pascual, Cristina
Terrádez Gurrea, Manuel
Vázquez Pascual, Oscar
Vila Grifo, Alícia
Abstract: The project e-Math pretends to boost and spread the utilisation and integration of the current technological tools (Internet and skilled software) in the curricula of several quantitative subjects applied pertaining to different university degrees. The results of the project (educational material, articles, conclusions, etc.) are of general diffusion, since it pretends that they can be of utility for any university (face-to-face or virtual) interested in doing use of the technological resources in plough to obtain a substantial improvement in the educational quality of his quantitative subjects applied.
Keywords: Specialized software
Operational Research
Mathematical Analysis
Linear Algebra
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Issue Date: Oct-2003
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Recursos de aprendizaje UOC
Recursos Educativos UOC Abiertos

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