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2010-02-16Frameworks Google GWT - Google Guice : Estudi i Desenvolupament aplicació UOCTaskManRuiz Martínez, Òscar; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Juan Rodríguez, José
2012-06-18Frameworks per a la implementació àgil de la capa de presentacióJiménez Bautista, Josep; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Camps Riba, Josep Maria
2019-01-01Framing Bio-emergencies in Fiction: The Cases of 'The Walking Dead' and 'Fear the Walking Dead'Cantó-Milà, Natàlia; Gonzàlez Balletbò, Isaac
2023-09-28Framing femicide in the news, a paradoxical story: A comprehensive analysis of thematic and episodic framesAldrete, Mariana; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia
2021-04-08Framing inclusion: The media treatment of irregular immigrants' right to health care in SpainPetroff, Alisa; Viladrich, Anahí; Parella Rubio, Sonia; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB); City University of New York
2010-01-13Framing the Digital Divide in Higher EducationPeña-López, Ismael
2022-05-15França en el període d'entreguerres (1930-1939)Vila Barrachina, Víctor; Berger Mulattieri, Gonzalo
2020-05-25Free online tools for language teachersHopkins, Joseph; Robbins, Jackie
2011-11-04Free Open Source Software and Dual-Use: Loophole or Dissent?Foutel, Nathalie; European Opensource & Free Software Law Event (4th : 2011 : Barcelona)
2017-06-27Free solar energyYagüe Serra, Sergi; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Font Sagristà, Vicenç; Caballé, Santi
2011-02-25Free Technology AcademyTebbens, Wouter; Jacovkis Halperin, David; ten Berge, Hinde; Iacomella, Franco; Megias, David; Serra-Ruiz, Jordi; Almirall Hill, Magí; Santanach Delisau, Francesc; Jorba, Josep; Prieto Blázquez, Josep; Garrigues, Carles; Bijlsma, Lex; Frans, Mofers; Sloep, Peter; Gailis, Janis; Eric Moe, Carl; Mohamed Haddara, Moutaz
2010-09-15Free Technology Academy : a Joint Venture of Free Software and OERTebbens, Wouter; Megias, David; David, Jacovkis; Lex, Bijlsma; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2019-01-09FreeAuthenticatorClavero Aymerich, Carlos; Almirall López, Jordi; Garrigues, Carles; Orenga Serisuelo, Joan Vicent
2006-01FreeMind User Guide (Version 0.8.0)Kumar, Shailaja
2010-02-16Friedrich Nietzsche i Oscar Wilde : la qüestió humana, una anàlisi comparadaBalcells, Joan; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Mensa Valls, Jaume; Faura Cantarell, Ricard
2022-12-30Friendly design handbook. Designing public spaces with children with autism and their families. ASD PublicsCalvo Boixet, Blanca; Colacios, Raquel; Nácar, Loreto; Rodeghiero, Benedetta; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); Institut Global del Neurodesenvolupament, IGAIN; Laboratori d’Emergències Urbanes, LEMUR
2012-01FriendsMapBombí Fernández, Bernat; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Tardáguila Moro, César
2019-10-04From Content- To Competence-oriented Design of HE Curricula: Leadership in Times of TransitionFitó-Bertran, Àngels; Martínez Argüelles, María Jesús
2007From Declarative to Imperative UML/OCL Operation SpecificationsCabot, Jordi; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
2018-11-13From distance universities to universities without distance: engagement and social commitment at UOCGmelch, Nadja