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Title: Piulant paraules noves
Author: Anta Marquillas, Ariadna de
Tutor: Domènech-Bagaria, Ona  
Others: Figueras Capdevila, Narcís  
Abstract: This paper analyzes a set of neologisms detected in the social network Twitter and a comparison is made with those that are detected in the written press (newspapers). In order to establish what similarities and differences each one has. Thus, the study allows to see what these new lexical units are, what characteristics they have according to the medium in which they have been documented. It is therefore a study on neology in order to observe the capacity for lexical creation that occurs in this social network that presents a growing activity and, at the same time, is little studied by the relatively recent context in which it has emerged. To carry out this analysis, in the first place an approach is made to neology as a discipline and to the characteristics of language in social networks, especially on Twitter; And secondly, the contrastive analysis between two corpora neologisms provided by the Neologia Observatory of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (OBNEO): one contains data from Twitter, and the other, data from the press (newspapers) .
Keywords: neology
new words
social networks
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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