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Títol: Vehicle routing in a spanish distribution company: Saving using a savings-based heuristic
Autoria: Grasas, Alex
Cáceres Cruz, José de Jesús
Lourenço, Helena R.
Juan, Angel A.  
Roca Puigvert, Mercè
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
ESCI International Business School
Citació: Grasas, A., Caceres, J., Lourenço, H., Juan, A.A. & Roca Puigvert, M. (2013). Vehicle routing in a Spanish distribution company: Saving using a savings-based heuristic. OR Insight, 26(3), 191-202. doi: 10.1057/ori.2013.2
Resum: In this article we present a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) faced by a large distribution company in the Northeast of Spain. The company distributes products from its central facilities to a chain of around 400 stores all over the country. One of the peculiarities of the VRP of this company -which is common among real-life VRPs- is the presence of a heterogeneous fleet where vehicles with different capacities can make multiple trips during a single day. This variant of the problem, which we refer as Heterogeneous Fleet and Multi-trip VRP, has been barely studied in the literature. To solve the problem, we use an algorithm based on the wellknown savings heuristic with a biased-randomization effect and three local search operations. Our approach is simple to implement as it needs few parameters and no fine-tuning processes, which are usually cumbersome and require experts' involvement. We obtain savings of around 12 per cent in transportation costs, which represent around h30000 saved per week.
Paraules clau: problema de rutes de vehicles heterogenis
enrutament de vehicles de viatges múltiples
heurística d'estalvi
algorismes aleatoris
aplicacions de la vida real
DOI: 10.1057/ori.2013.2
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 13-mar-2013
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