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Title: La libertad de los griegos como propaganda y su pervivencia en el discurso romano
Author: Fernández-Valera Hernández, Daniel
Tutor: Gómez Espelosín, Francisco Javier
Abstract: The present work aims to analyze the Greek freedom propaganda, its formation and use among the Greeks and how it managed to survive and adapt to the first centuries of Roman rule. Using a good number of classical authors and epigraphic sources, we hope to show, through the different wars and conflicts that ravaged Hellas, the importance that Greek freedom propaganda really had, when it came to propping up hegemonies, regulating relations Greek interstates and consolidate or erode certain political causes, which tended to monopolize the Hellenic space. Through the Greek freedom discourse, we hope to show the privileged importance that freedom had in politics, diplomacy and the ethical horizon of Greeks and Romans. This analysis aims not so much to fill an evident bibliographic gap or the relative absence of specific monographs that address it, as to emphasize its possibilities and historiographic potential, when addressing the complex interactions that took place between Greece and Rome.
Keywords: freedom
proclamation of freedom
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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