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Title: Orquestación y respuesta ante incidentes de ciberseguridad
Author: Sánchez Palma, Sergio
Tutor: Mendoza Flores, Manuel Jesús
Others: Romero-Tris, Cristina  
Abstract: Cyber threats are increasing every year and it is common for organizations and individuals to experience their consequences. The impact can be of different types, affecting basic population services or human lives in the worst case. There are many technologies that aim to improve the security posture of organizations by mitigating or eradicating the risk from threats. Lack of experience, limited technical team and lack of procedures are a delay their treatment. In the last years, a new technology called SOAR has appeared, which aims to automate those actions, usually performed by SOC teams, reducing incident response times. The objective of the project is to generate a value proposition that will allow us to determine whether SOAR tools are a solution. To this purpose, an investigation work has been performed to determine the different types of threats registered and which ones represent a higher risk. With the objective of automating their response. Additionally, prevention and remediation flows have been designed and tested in a laboratory environment. The results obtained have been satisfactory in terms of the use of technology through the implementation of use cases. In relation to the study performed, the critical nature of the data, the absence of a data model to record incidents that would allow analytics and only work with aggregated information, have not helped to determine a criteria that would help to prioritize the management of the different threats. These did not help to establish a criteria to help to prioritize the management of the different threats.
Keywords: orchestration
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 28-Dec-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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sergio85spTFM0122memoria.pdfMemoria de TFM2,16 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
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sergio85spTFM0122propuestadevalor.pdfPropuesta de valor del TFM24,43 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail