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Title: Black Box
Author: Serna Zalbidea, Irune
Tutor: Vidal González, Josep
Others: Blasco-Soplon, Laia  
Inigo Clavo, Maria  
Sanchez de Serdio Martin, Aida  
Abstract: Black Box is a quest, an artistic research project about impermanence as a consubstantial element of life and the changes that happen whithin it. It is a performative experience space that gathers still and moving images, sounds and poems in the physical context of a black cardboard and cloth box, that has functioned as an art studio throughout the whole process. I have used my own intimate life experience as a creative basis for artistic material. The research has been carried out based on the physical and emotional changes that I experienced during the project creating weeks inside Black Box. These changes have set space, time, identity and memory as principle axes of the work. Images captured at different times, multiple subjective spaces, an under construction identity and memory as the element that fuses human perception of them reveal my aim to go deeper into impermanence study as a philosophical concept through human experience. Subjective, vertical, horizontal, linear or circular time; inner, outer, personal, private, public, shared space; identity in continuous transformation and how we manage our memories, are all part of this research. With 20th century avant-garde theatre, Jorge Oteiza´s metaphysical boxes and Platonic khôra echoes, Black Box is a performative place where experiential and digital merge into a mutable device. Performative and reflective dynamics fostered by the box during the development of the project led me to open the box and my home to meet both known and unknown people so they could delve into their own inner research on impermanence within Black Box. For my part, I could stay in the box as long as I felt like everyday for weeks, providing many introspective and reflective moments where sounds and poems were also created, though, related to the collaborators however, they only got in once and just for half an hour, enough time to observe what inspired and arosed in them, discover their feelings, memories, etc. and this experience was displayed in photographs and videos, along with their comments. As Black Box offers a performative experience in a mutable cardboard and cloth context, the journeys of myself and other collaborators who lived within it have been collected in a web archive that works as a living archive of the project, where reflections, sounds and poems are added to the images of the people who have been in, and in future it will also keep other experiences facilitated by Black Box. Thus, taken images, actions, reflections, poems, etc., set what the philosopher Bruno Tackels considers to be a living archive, a continuous evolutionary hybrid and living territory that we can share, retain, expand on, etc. and even give back to the world once transformed. Impermanence as a concept that animates the project lives both in its physical materiality and in its virtual archive, where experiences from the inside were closer to that of a flexible photography studio than to the current one. This shape is different to that of the last months, so impermanence is a fact not only as a concept but also as part of its materiality, In Black Box, everything is possible because the ability to live experiences only depends on who enters in it.
Keywords: space
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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