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Title: Implicacions de la revisió per parells (peer review) per a les revistes electròniques i en accés obert
Author: Serrat-Brustenga, Marta
Tutor: Aibar, Eduard  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: The peer review system is the key to the scholarly publishing system. This paper explores the modalities of e-journals review process in the areas of Physics and Computer Science and, in a special way in open access journals. It has been designed an online survey, which has been sent to 193 journals for information on the article review process carried out. Finally, it concludes that currently there is no substantial difference between the peer review process followed by the open access journals and the traditional ones, while it is confirmed that new forms of review as open review, are still a minority.
Keywords: academic journals
open access
peer review
peer review
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2011
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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