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Title: Les funcions sintàctiques en els llibres de text actuals de 2n de batxillerat de Valencià: llengua i literatura. Anàlisi i proposta didàctica
Author: Campos Giménez, Maria
Tutor: Vilà Comajoan, Carme
Others: Figueras Capdevila, Narcís  
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to analyze the treatment of the main syntactic functions of the simple sentence in the textbooks of the 2nd year of the baccalaureate of the subject Valencià: llengua i literatura. From this analysis, a didactic unit (aimed at students preparing for university entrance exams (PAU) based on cognitive linguistics where syntactic contents are treated from prototypical and peripheral cases, is presented. which represents an alternative to the treatment of grammar in textbooks of recent years. In this sense, the proposal is the second objective of this work and aims to be a point of reference on how they could approach, in a more practical way, syntactic contents to pre-university students in order to provide them with tools to answer correctly. the questions of the PAU in the matter of Valencian. Through a communicative approach, students will have access to a new way of working with syntactic contents, as well as a space where they can reflect on the metalanguage and the functioning of the language based on their use. Finally, the proposal also aims to encourage creativity, collaborative work, as well as meaningful learning, so that through their productions students can access these contents that present a high degree of cognitive difficulty.
Keywords: Catalan language
Valencian language
syntactic function
high school
cognitive linguistics
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Dec-2018
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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