Descriptors: dc.title Title of the journal article dc.contributor.autor Original author of the work (translation or review) dc.type Type of publication. The first instance is controlled and describes the type of publication as a contribution to periodical dc.type Type of the publication: creative writing (literary work or its translation), Review, Article dc.publisher Journal in which the article appeared dc.coverage.spacial City of publication of the journal dc.coverage.spacial Country of publication of the journal Date of publication dc.subject.other Section of the journal in which the article appeared (where applicable) dc.subject Genre of the publication (Prose, Poetry, Theatre or Essay) dc.language.iso Language of the publication dc.language.iso (2) Second language of the publication (where applicable) Reviewed Author In case of Reviews, author subject of the review dc.relation.isbasedon In case of Reviews, work which is being reviewed. dc.type Indicates whether the publication is a translation dc.relation In case of translations, title of the original work original-language.iso 1 In case of translations, original language of the work original-language.iso 2 In case of translations, possible second original language of the work source-language.iso 1 Indicates if translated from a source language, different from the original one source-language.iso 2 Indicates if translated from a second source language, different from the original one dc.contributor.other In case of translations, name(-s) of the translator(-s) dc.type Other notes or comments dc.identifier.citation Citation reference of the article