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Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2010-09-15Conversation is the Key : A Short History of Smarthistory.orgHarris, Beth; Zucker, Steven; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Educational innovation in large groups. Design of an experimental study implemented at the Polytechnic University of MadridPardo, Rodrigo; González Ajá, Teresa; Merino Merino, Elena; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15EduFeedr - following and supporting learners in open blog-based coursesPõldoja, Hans; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Examining the sustainability issues in UKOER projects : Developing a sustainable OER ecosystem in HEYuan, Li; Robertson, R. John; Campbell, Lorna M.; Pegler, Chris; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Free Technology Academy : a Joint Venture of Free Software and OERTebbens, Wouter; Megias, David; David, Jacovkis; Lex, Bijlsma; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15How to foster sharing of educational resources?Baaren, John van der; Vries, Fred de; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15MultiCampus Open Educational Resources : the case of OER-HETruyen, Frederik; van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus (Kees-Jan); Janssen, Ben; Rivera López, José Manuel; Griset Miró, Roger; Kuppens, Ann; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15OER as a Model for Enhanced Teaching and LearningPetrides, Lisa; Jimes, Cynthia; Middleton-Detzner, Clare; Howell, Holly; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15OER in Portugal as agent of curriculum innovation and technological change. Inducing practices of "new" teaching standardsMatos Pereira, Paulo Manuel de; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15OERopoly : A Game to Generate Collective Intelligence around OERConnolly, Teresa; Makriyannis, Elpida; De Liddo, Anna; Wilson, Tina; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open access press vs traditional university presses on AmazonMcGreal, Rory; Acqua, Edward; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open Educational Resources : Experiences of use in a Latin-American contextBurgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Ramirez Montoya, Maria Soledad; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open Educational Resources for Development of University CoursesRichards, Griff; Marshall, Stewart; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open Learning Network : the evidence of OER impactMcAndrew, Patrick; Cropper, Karen; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open online courses in Colombia : report of an educational and technological experimentLeal Fonseca, Diego E.; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open to the users' needs : combining user-centered design, standards and open source softwareGarreta Domingo, Muriel; Santanach Delisau, Francesc; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Open video tools to support the production of online collaborative audiovisual projects : how to promote collective creation in e-learningOrnellas, Adriana; Garreta Domingo, Muriel; Marín-Amatller, Antoni; Santanach Delisau, Francesc; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15OpenSpires : Opening up Oxford like never beforeHighton, Melissa; Robinson, Peter; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Production of OER, a Quest for EfficiencySchuwer, Robert; Wilson, Tina; van Valkenburg, Willem; Lane, Andy; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)
2010-09-15Proposing a 'Consent Commons' in open education - balancing the desire for openness with the rights of people to refuse or withdraw from participationWilliams, Jane; Hardy, Suzanne; Quentin-Baxter, Megan; Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)