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Title: Implementación de un esquema criptográfico para gestionar de forma segura las historias médicas de los pacientes a través de una red de comunicaciones
Author: Cáncer Giner, Fran
Tutor: Castellà-Roca, Jordi  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: In this final degree project, a system has been designed, implemented and tested that, using public-key cryptology, guarantees the correct use of data in a process of consultation and filling out of a computerized medical history consulted remotely.
Keywords: Second-cycle Degree in Computer Engineering
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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