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Title: Youth political representation and access to the public sphere
Author: Clua-Infante, Anna  
Ferran, Nuria  
Terren, Ludovic  
Abstract: This presentation aims to provide some theoretical framework in order to analyse the difficulties that young people face in accessing the public sphere as political actors. This presentation is partly based on the data obtained in the EURYKA's project. Concretely, results from work package 2 (media representation analysis) will be presented here.
Keywords: youth
public sphere
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: 23-Jan-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Conference lectures

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EURYKA final conference - Anna Clua.pptx.pdfPresentation at the Final Conference Euryka Project (Horizon 2020)170,43 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail