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Title: Acogeunamascota
Author: Navas Gómez, Carmen María
Director: Córcoles, César  
Minguillón, Julià  
Tutor: Caballero González, Carlos
Abstract: This project arises from the continuous dissemination of images on social networks and web pages that are asking for shelter for animals. Looking for information is not much about it. The protectors contact their volunteers to find a shelter, but if you volunteer for another protector they do not know and the animal is missing the opportunity to be welcomed. Here the need born that there is a place where the data of people who want to help are collected and thus shelters, protectors and kennels can more easy find a welcome. Acogeunamascotal is a web platform that collects the data of people who want to be a shelter regardless of volunteering in a shelter. This means that a protector can have at any time the people who can provide this help and it is not the person who has to be aware of the publications by different means of the protector in order to help.
Keywords: Angular
web applications
pets accommodation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 8-Jun-2020
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