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Title: Simulación y análisis del impacto de diferentes materiales en el diseño de una antena
Author: Díaz Roa, Jesús
Director: Cobo Rodríguez, Germán  
Tutor: Anguera, Jaume  
Andújar, Aurora  
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study the response of an antenna in the presence of different materials. In the first analysis, it is studied the pattern of a monopole antenna and how it is affected by the direct or even several millimeters contact of different materials. In order to study the second analysis, the parameters (dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent) of an Anthropomorphic abdomen phantom from the company "Speag" are taken and it is designed a dipole antenna in an outdoor space in order to observe how the antenna is affected when it is close to the abdomen and when it is few centimeters from it. To examine the third analysis, the boundary conditions are kept in the same way as in the second analysis. However, instead of a dipole antenna, a loop is designed in order to compare and conclude which analysis is the most efficient and which one is able to adapt itself in a better way with these assumptions. For the simulation, the software IE3D is used. The more relevant parameters for the design are the frequency of work and the measurements of the monopole antenna, dipole antenna or loop. The more relevant parameters for the simulations are the dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent of the materials and the more relevant parameters for the results are the reflection coefficient of the tension of the input port (S11), irradiate efficiency and the efficiency of the antenna. Finally, the conclusions of the study are presented.
Keywords: dipole
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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