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Títol: How are we measuring persuasiveness on health interventions?
Autoria: Robles Muñoz, Noemí
Gómez Zúñiga, Benigna
Pousada, Modesta  
Hernández Encuentra, Eulàlia  
Armayones, Manuel  
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Citació: Robles, N, Gómez-Zuñiga, B., Pousada, M., Hernández, E. & Armayones, M. (2020). How are we measuring persuasiveness on health interventions? CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2629.
Resum: One of the big challenges of health interventions is their capability of producing real and sustained changes in health-related habits, such as reducing/eliminating certain unhealthy behaviors (smoking and drinking patterns), increase others (physical activity) or promoting new ones (adherence to treatment). Some authors highlight the relevance of developing tailored. Objectives: The aim of this study was to review the existing validated tools for assessing persuasiveness on health interventions.The results of the literature review showed a scarce number of validated questionnaires/scales for assessing persuasiveness, and only one specific tool focused on health (Boster et al., 2011).Three main areas of assessment were identified: Person Susceptibility to Persuasion, Social Influence and Intervention Characteristics. Conclusions, there is a lack of specific validated tools for assessing the persuasiveness of health interventions. Reviewing literature, the assessment of health interventions for changing habits is mainly carried out through qualitative techniques, ad hoc surveys or analyzing health variables (engagement, reduction/increase of behavior, etc.)
Paraules clau: disseny de comportament
tecnologia convincent
intervenció sanitària
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/c onferenceObject
Data de publicació: 20-abr-2020
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/  
Appears in Collections:Conference lectures

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