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Title: ¡Carlins, a la muntanya! Memòria, tradició i paisatge: el simbolisme de la muntanya en el llenguatge de Marian Vayreda a "Records de la darrera carlinada"
Author: Maymó Gatell, Oriol
Tutor: Camps Arbós, Josep  
Abstract: This work analyzes how the symbolic use of the mountain in the literary language of "Memories of the Last Carlinade" becomes a way of preserving the essence of Marian Vayreda's thought. Vayreda's traditionalism and the defense of values intrinsically linked to the idea of country constitute the core on which the author from Olot builds a text in which the mountain 'understood as the set of its people, traditions and landscape 'is turned into a whole, into a unified whole that symbolizes the foundations and the vertical structure of the Catalan nation.
Keywords: traditionalism
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: May-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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