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Title: Paper Ship
Author: Fernández Membrives, Jonatan
Tutor: Duch, Jordi  
Abstract: Designing and developing a video game is a task that takes time and lots of resources, over the duration of the master's degree, a lot of tools and knowledge have been acquired to be able to create a video game in its whole. Therefore, in this project it is proposed to apply all these acquired knowledge, to the realization of a video game from its conceptualization to its production. Starting from a base idea, the different milestones and requirements necessary to complete it are established. Based on the initial planning, throughout the project, the objectives are evaluated and modified according to the needs of each milestone. As a final goal, it is proposed to create a third-person action role-playing video game that encompasses the most common characteristics of this genre, analyzing which are the difficulties and challenges of the project.
Keywords: video game
game development
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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