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Title: Caracterització de les vies moleculars de la migranya i obtenció de productes gènics candidats
Author: Fernàndez Díaz, Adrià
Tutor: Aguilar Villalba, Daniel
Others: Merino, David  
Abstract: Migraine is a widespread disease among the population with symptoms that, although not severe, make life difficult for people who suffer from it (nausea, photophobia, phonophobia and headaches). There is currently not enought knowledge about the molecular mechanisms involved and therefore the possible treatments are also reduced. That is why this research proposes a bioinformatics study to extract information relevant to the disease. This study has been structured in two blocks. The first block is a process of obtaining data to elaborate the interactome. Also to obtain the cellular pathways of Homo sapiens and the genes that affect migraine that are already known experimentally. The second block consists of the statistical study of the data in order to obtain a list with molecular mechanisms candidate for migraine, and another list with candidate genes. 68 candidate pathways and a set of 30 candidate genes have been obtained. However, some of the cellular mechanisms and candidate genes obtained are related to what is already known about migraine, so they could be good avenues for future research.
Keywords: migraine disorder
network science
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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