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Title: Diseño de interfaz de usuario en entornos 3D inmersivos (VR) para la pre visualización y personalización de una vivienda de obra nueva
Author: Humanes López, Pablo
Director: Aguirre Garcin, Virginia
Tutor: Garrigues, Carles  
Abstract: The new real estate cycle indicates increased popularity of customization options offered by companies selling newly built houses to attract their customers. This work includes research on how immersive interfaces and virtual reality can help the business, its customers and users, visualize the spaces to be sold and to optimize the option selection process and its communication to the building site. LEAN UX methodology will be used to identify the main needs of the project and build, as soon as possible, and with minimum resources, an interactive prototype that could be evaluated with users since the beginning of the project. Evaluation results and the proposed improvements will be added in the next iteration so we could, minimizing risks, achieve an optimal usability score that invites users to promote the service among their networks. This work includes the definition and building of a first prototype and its evaluation, achieving a score of 67 in the SUS scale, still far from 77, the considered needed score to achieve the project's goals. This work confirms the interest of all participants in a service of this kind, given that virtual reality allows people to perceive, easily and rapidly, 1 to 1 scale spatial representations.
Keywords: virtual reality
real estate
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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prototipos.zipArchivos HTML, OBJ, PNG, JPG y recursos utilizados para el prototipo hecho con A-Frame.33,6 MBHTMLView/Open


Video presentación y demostración del Trabajo Final de Máster con clips de entrevistas y de sesiones de pruebas con personas usuarias.267,92 MBMP4View/Open
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