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Title: La ciudad a pie: análisis de la caminabilidad en el Barrio de la Vila de Gràcia de Barcelona
Author: Villalobos Gasca, Albert
Tutor: Moreno Sanz, Joan  
Abstract: The analysis of walkability is of great importance for the understanding and design of more sustainable and healthy cities. The need to consider the morphology of the streets from the human scale is basic for the implementation of measures that guarantee not only the accessibility and safety of people, but also favor the opportunity for contact and interaction between citizens. Jane Jacobs and Jan Gehl have always opted for scenarios where the human factor is present, this can be translated into the creation of attractive environments, reduction of pressure from motor vehicles, or the maintenance of a logical structure with the needs of people. In this case, an attempt will be made to find those elements that favor walkability from the point of view of the cited authors through the use / analysis of a series of indices and indicators. The case study will focus on the Gràcia neighborhood, it is a neighborhood with high values of active mobility and attractiveness on which to implement a GIS system in order to integrate different indicators to detect which are the strengths and weak of one of the most emblematic neighborhoods of the city of Barcelona. Through the results obtained in this work, those indicators or characteristics that can favor walkability will be identified and can be used in the future as methods of valuation of areas that serve as a guide for proposals and reinterpretations that (that improve walkability) of the urban environment.
Keywords: walkability
active mobility
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publication license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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