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Title: Una experiència d'avaluació entre iguals en una assignatura de matemàtiques en línia: disseny, planificació i estratègies docents
Author: Garcia Tercero, Francesc
Tutor: Moral-Ferrer, José-Manuel  
Others: Garcia Gonzalez, Iolanda  
Abstract: Iniciació a les matemàtiques per a l'enginyeria is an online leveling subject that, given its methodology, structure and resources, helps achieve a high degree of self-regulation of its students' learning. However, the interaction between students and the current assessment process, designed exclusively to certify students' progress by the teacher, are two aspects that can still be improved. For that reason this work proposes an intervention of an experience of peer assessment with the use of ICT which allows the interaction between students and a reorientation of assessment, more democratizing, more formative and focused on students. In this way, assessment instruments and strategies and teaching approaches are studied to carry out the intervention, both at the time of its application in the classroom and in previous phases.
Keywords: peer assessment
professional project (teaching)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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