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Title: Internet of Things: Control y monitorización de Smart Rural a través de tecnología LPWAN aplicado a la apicultura
Author: Picazo Gandía, Luis Andrés
Director: Monzo, Carlos  
Tutor: Molina Casasnovas, Rubén
Abstract: Along the last years, it has been developed some concepts as Smart cities through Internet of things (IoT). Due it appeared the need to move and adapt this technology to rural environments in order to facilitate some needs in isolated and uninhabited areas. This project is aimed to detail some necessities in rural environments as well as to ease some tasks that are commonly developed in contexts with low connectivity and huge distances. Different technologies based on the Internet of things will be analysed, attending to connectivity in isolated environments without electrical supply. LPWAN technologies will be studied as the most suitable in these kind of contexts. At last, a prototype will be developed as a Smart Rural solution focused on hives monitoring through SigFox technology, ensuring connectivity in isolated environments with low battery consumption. As it is a wide area of investigation, other lines of research will be proposed as well as the main conclusions of the current project.
Keywords: IoT
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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