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Title: Investigación y memoria para la creación de un webdoc sobre medicina ancestral, como muestra de la versatilidad del formato en el periodismo ecuatoriano
Author: Bayas Jiménez, Judith M.
Tutor: Narberhaus, Marta
Abstract: The webdoc is a digital audiovisual format that belongs to the genre of non-fiction, this term appeared for the first time in 2002, at the Cinéma du Réel festival in France. This, arises as the normal evolution of the documentary, but with the sumptuous difference that its narrative is interactive and the contents that are presented are born from the experimentation and hybridization of some of the new formats that have emerged in the digital age. This format has been gradually developed around the world, presenting to the journalism a new way of telling those stories that are important to bring to light. However, within some spaces this format is totally unknown, or known, but not practiced. This is the case of Ecuador, which shows a slow, albeit constant, development in adapting to new digital narratives. The following work shows part of the reality in which Ecuadorian journalism finds itself around new formats and narratives. In addition, it presents in a practical way the development of a webdoc called "Ancestral Medicine: between the past and contemporaneity", as a sample of the development process and the results of the implementation of this format in journalistic work.
Keywords: webdoc
new narratives
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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