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Title: El dret a la desconnexió digital, Llei 10/2021 de 9 de juliol de treball a distància
Author: Balagué López, Sílvia
Tutor: Mendoza Moreno, David
Abstract: The right to digital disconnection is a new right, arising from the new epoch of what we could call the technological revolution and which has a wide social, legal and economic scope, and at a tremendous speed and level due to the advance of information and communication technologies if the society advances, the law changes. It affects a great part of our facets of life and we are just beginning to suffer the repercussions of being connected all the time; the characteristic of being a right that affects the majority of the population is that it is a right that affects the majority of the population. The characteristic of being a right that affects the majority of the working population, and that it is a new right, have captured my motivation for writing this study.
Keywords: right to digital disconnection
digital obsession
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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