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Title: Las Comunidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje en el ámbito de los profesionales sanitarios: oportunidades para la formación médica continuada en línea y el desarrollo profesional
Author: Gómez Calderón, María Corpus
Director: Saigí-Rubió, Francesc  
Sanz-Martos, Sandra  
Abstract: Virtual Learning Communities (VLCs) have been used in health organizations as knowledge management tools and by health professionals as mechanisms for acquiring this knowledge. An explanatory model of the factors that influence the role of health professionals when using VLCs is presented. The theoretical perspective pivots on the social dimension of learning and the models of technological acceptance. Contextualization shows technological change and the factors that contribute to the satisfaction of professionals to end up focusing the focus of analysis on learning as a motivating element, on the need to development of professional skills and in the different ways of accessing knowledge using the network. Delphi is used, case studies and questionnaires, followed by statistical analysis to validate the model of explored variables. Additionally, a transformative sequential strategy is used to better understand the phenomenon and give voice to different perspectives based on the investigation of three professional groups with different visions. The emphasis on transformation is highlighted with the hypothesis about the effectiveness in the use of VCs for the continuous training of professionals, in that the model can be useful to encourage the development of digital skills among professionals, institutions and managers of the sector.
Keywords: healthcare professionals
continuing medical training
professional development
virtual communities
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Tesis doctorals

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