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dc.contributor.authorArnedo-Moreno, Joan-
dc.contributor.authorHerrera-Joancomartí, Jordi-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya. K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON)en
dc.identifier.citationARNEDO, J.; HERRERA-JOANCOMARTÍ, J. (2008). "Persistent interoperable security for JXTA". In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on P2P, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing (3PGIC) 2008. Pág. 354- 359.-
dc.description.abstractIn order to access resources within a peer-to-peer network, JXTA completely relies in the usage of advertisements published by the resource owner. This may easily lead to DoS or spoofing attacks from malicious peers by forging advertisements with false identifiers unless advertisement authenticity is pro- vided. Furthermore, in a fully distributed environment, in order to truly isolate a malicious node, collaboration is necessary from other peers. For that reason, it must be possible to prove to other parties that a peer is being disruptive. This paper presents a method that provides authenticity and non-repudiation to JXTA advertisements. This scheme is fully distributed and based in a pure peer-to-peer model, not requiring the arbitration of a trusted third party or a previously established trust relationship between peers, which is one of the main challenges under this kind of environments.en
dc.rights(c) 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.-
dc.subject.lcshJXTA (Computer network protocol)en
dc.subject.lcshComputer networks -- Security measuresen
dc.subject.lcshJava (Computer program language)en
dc.titlePersistent interoperable security for JXTA-
dc.audience.mediatorTheme areas::Computer Science, Technology and Multimediaen
dc.subject.lemacJXTA (Protocols de xarxes d'ordinadors)ca
dc.subject.lemacOrdinadors, Xarxes d' -- Mesures de seguretatca
dc.subject.lemacJava (Llenguatge de programació)ca
dc.subject.lcshesJXTA (Protocolos de comunicaciones)es
dc.subject.lcshesRedes informáticas -- Medidas de seguridades
dc.subject.lcshesJava (Lenguaje de programación)es
Appears in Collections:Capítols o parts de llibres

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