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Title: El uso de cámaras Gesell con niños: ¿Cómo protegemos los derechos de los más vulnerables?
Author: Arantegui, Laura  
Tutor: Tamarit, Josep  
Abstract: After a long existence in invisibility, children began to see their rights duly recognized throughout the last century. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter, CDN) did not come to light until 1989. This recognition, which has resulted in a late and insufficient but significant acceleration in protecting children at the international level, must be projected over all areas that in some way affect the life and development of children around the world. As victims of crime, children have specific characteristics directly related to their level of development which must be taken into consideration not only for the way in which they can live a victimizing experience, but also for how to obtain their account of it should they act as witnesses. Gesell chambers, as systems designed to gather the testimonies of crime victims, have been especially praised for their usefulness with child victims, since it is argued that they can largely prevent the secondary victimization that involves extensive repetition of the story about the experience. However, we must acknowledge that there are many items that make up the complete framework of well-being for children, and one of them is the respect for their identity as independent beings, in harmony with their fundamental rights, increasingly alike to those of adults and increasingly significant. For all these reasons, we will ponder the implications that the use of Gesell chambers may have in the sphere of human rights and freedoms of children, establishing as complete as possible a scenario that allows us to evaluate, argue and contribute.
Keywords: children's rights
secondary victimization
human rights
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 26-Jan-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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