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Title: LYCEOS: Una herramienta para la gestión de la licitación electrónica en el ámbito de la Contratación Pública
Author: Vázquez Freijomil, Antonio Pablo
Tutor: Robles, Gregorio  
Others: Caballé, Santi  
Abstract: This work deals with the creation of a web tool that allows the Public Administrations of the Spanish State to have a space for the reception of offers in the Public Procurement files that they handle. Current legal provisions require that the reception of offers must be done electronically, and the tools currently available do not offer an adequate framework in terms of efficiency and usability. This is how the idea of LYCEOS arose: a modern, simple, and easy-to-use tool, both for Public Administrations and bidding companies. The process of creating a tender that can receive offers will never take more than a couple of minutes for the public employee in charge of this task. For the bidding company, the presentation of its offer will also be simple and brief, having all the necessary information at its fingertips on a single screen. And, finally, the process of opening and evaluating the offers is fast and flexible enough for this project to be considered a success. In the development of the application, the use of free and open-source tools has been prioritized, which, in addition to reducing costs, guarantees users access to the code and the absence of malicious code in a process that must be scrupulously careful with data processing and security.
Keywords: computer engineering
public procurement
open source
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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