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Title: BacDupWeb: Desarrollo de una aplicación web para la visualización dinámica de duplicaciones génicas en bacterias
Author: Ibáñez Maldonado, Daniel
Tutor: Sánchez Herrero, José Francisco
Others: Calvet Liñán, Laura  
Abstract: Knowledge of the biology and genetics of bacteria and other pathogens is of vital importance to better understand the mechanisms that influence the development of infections in humans. In particular, bacterial infections in hospital environments are of great public health concern, infections that, in many cases, are highly virulent. One of these works is the BacDup project, which focuses its efforts on making an accurate map of gene duplications from the original sequences of bacterial strains, whether obtained de novo or from repositories such as RefSeq or GenBank. Having a map of duplications is considered of great interest to help find defense mechanisms to this virulence. The BacDupWeb project presented in this report is the BacDup complement that allows the visualization, manipulation, filtering and study of duplication data. BacDupWeb offers the necessary ease and speed of access to all this information to speed up possible responses to these infections.
Keywords: bacteria
web applications
nosocomial infection
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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