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Title: Instapoesia catalana: cap a la consolidació d'un nou gènere
Author: Gómez López, Neus
Tutor: Navarro Garcia, Joan Carles
Abstract: This work aims to be a first reflection on the new digital genre of instapoetry in Catalan. The social platform Instagram has allowed the birth of a young poetry that has burst onto the scene of digital creation without cultured referents and, unmarked from the conventional high poetry scene, has not yet been recognised. Faced with a clash of unbalanced knowledge, misconceptions and unfulfilled demands, instapoetry finds itself unprotected, misunderstood and lacking figures or entities that can recognise it as an independent and relevant genre in the literary scene, and that can accompany it with a good academic reception and subsequent institutionalisation. Through a digital contextualisation and the observation of real cases forced by the lack of specialised references, this essay seeks to fill a gap in the Catalan academy in order to encourage the exploration of a new literary genre and the discovery of a series of instapoets who, without realising it, have become foundational references.
Keywords: poetry
Catalan literature
digital literature
Instagram poetry
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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