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Title: Guia de disseny d'espais de joc neuroinclusius. Dissenyant espais públics per infants amb autisme i les seves famílies
Author: Calvo Boixet, Blanca  
Colacios, Raquel  
Nácar, Loreto
Rodeghiero, Benedetta  
Others: Institut Global del Neurodesenvolupament, IGAIN
Laboratori d’Emergències Urbanes, LEMUR
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Abstract: This document shows a series of guidelines for the design of outdoor play areas for children with autism and their families. This design guidelines have been developed through the learnings from ASD Publics, a New European Bauhaus project that aims to improve public spaces with and for autistic children and their families. The document is conceived as a handbook made out of design guidelines and recommendations. It outlines the characteristics of a play area and its play elements as well as management considerations to be inclusive for children with Autism.
Keywords: autism
public spaces
play areas
nature-based solutions
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2023
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Working papers

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