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Title: Análisis de la privacidad en Ethereum mediante la aplicación de protocolos de prueba de conocimiento nulo
Author: Serebriakova, Antonina
Tutor: Ballesteros Rodríguez, Alberto  
Others: Garcia-Font, Victor  
Abstract: This study aims to examine privacy within Ethereum, a blockchain widely used in the cryptocurrency domain. The methods used to protect privacy are thoroughly examined, with a particular focus on the zk-SNARK and zk-STARK protocols. These protocols, also known as zero-knowledge proofs, play a crucial role in maintaining security and privacy in Ethereum transactions. A discussion is provided on the basic mechanisms and features of the zkSNARK and zk-STARK protocols, highlighting both their advantages and disadvantages. While zk-SNARK requires an initial trusted setup phase and is vulnerable to quantum attacks, zk-STARK offers resistance to these attacks and does not require such a setup, although with an increase in complexity and proof size. In addition, an exploration is conducted into the various applications of these protocols in real-world projects based on the Ethereum blockchain, providing insights into their practical implementation and the impact on the privacy of Ethereum users. To conclude, thoughts are put forward regarding the real-world applications of these methodologies and their potential to significantly improve privacy within Ethereum.
Keywords: privacidad
protocolos de conocimiento nulo
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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