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Title: "Perfil Digital" en España
Author: Durán Pulido, Ana Isabel
Tutor: Andrés Sanz, Humberto
Abstract: This project has focused on developing a valuable solution for small and medium-sized businesses that want to operate on the internet or reach their target audience through online channels. The Business Intelligence is no longer limited to big companies. Enterprises with limited resources and capabilities can also access these types of solutions that facilitate data-driven decision-making and the identification of new business opportunities. Data democratization driven by Europe enables access to public data sources. Furthermore, technology has made noteworthy progress, and we no longer require devoted teams or advanced technical knowledge to utilize Business Intelligence tools. This project offers a solution that provides a comprehensive view of the consumer. The main objective is to provide companies with relevant information to better understand and know their customers, while also reducing the "digital gap" that affects most Spanish companies. A Spanish Digital Consumer Profile has been implemented to achieve the project objectives. This dashboard offers both quantitative and qualitative information regarding their digital proficiency and behavior on the internet. It includes metrics that represent their ability to navigate and engage in the digital environment, as well as additional qualitative data to gain insights into their online habits. Furthermore, it provides qualitative information on their purchasing habits and the usual challenges they encounter in this medium. The data-driven culture is now more accessible than ever before.
Keywords: digital
business intelligence (BI)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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aduranpulidoTFG0623OrigenesdeDatos.zipOrígenes de Datos699,76 kBUnknownView/Open
aduranpulidoTFG0623memoria.pdfMemoria del TFG29,37 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
aduranpulidoTFG0623Perfil_Digital.pbixPerfil Digital12,68 MBUnknownView/Open
aduranpulidoTFG0623Plan_Trabajo_Proyecto_Monday.zipPlan Trabajo Proyecto Monday.zip30,69 kBUnknownView/Open


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