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Title: Aplicación móvil para guiar a los usuarios en la ejecución correcta de ejercicios físicos utilizando IA
Author: Guaña Logroño, Diego Esteban
Tutor: Almirall López, Jordi
Escuer Latorre, David
Others: Garrigues, Carles  
Abstract: The objective of this work is to develop a mobile application to guide users in the correct execution of physical exercises using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN). This application allows users to select from a variety of workouts and, using the mobile device's camera, compares the user's execution in real-time with the correct form of the exercises, detecting possible incorrect movements to prevent injuries. The application is targeted towards users interested in safely and effectively exercising. Interviews have been conducted with users with different levels of exercise experience, as well as with a personal trainer, to understand their needs and expectations. Different user profiles have been identified, and usage scenarios have been created to ensure that the application meets their requirements. The methodology used is based on the User-Centered Design approach, which involves the inquiry stage to gather information about users and their needs, the conceptual design phase to generate usage scenarios and interaction flows, and the prototyping stage to develop high-fidelity prototypes and evaluate their usability. As a result of the work, a functional prototype of the application has been developed, including the key functionalities identified during the inquiry phase. The prototype has been evaluated with users, and improvements have been made based on the feedback received. While a comprehensive evaluation with multiple users could not be conducted due to time constraints, important conclusions have been drawn regarding the feasibility and usability of the application. In summary, this work has allowed for the design and development of an innovative mobile application that utilizes artificial intelligence. While there are aspects that remain to be explored in future versions, this work lays the foundation for the development of a effective mobile application in the field of physical exercise.
Keywords: Android
inteligencia artificial
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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diegulogTFG0623memoria.pdfMemoria del TFG2,01 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
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diegulogTFG0623app-demo.apkApp-demo58 MBUnknownView/Open
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