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Title: Nutricèutics en malalties neurodegeneratives: la metilhidrocotoïna reverteix la polarització microglial M1 pròpia de la neuroinflamació
Author: Barberà Parada, Séfora  
Tutor: Radó-Trilla, Núria  
Blanco Pérez, Jordi  
Abstract: The impact of nutrition and nutraceuticals on health has been addressed in numerous fields, but it remains less explored related to the development of neurodegenerative disorders. These diseases are partially associated to a neuroinflammation attributed to an abnormally sustained microglial polarization towards a pro-inflammatory state, known as M1. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of methylhydrocotoin, an isolated metabolite from Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), as a protectant against M1 proinflammatory microglia. Previous in silico modelling studies have predicted that methylhydrocotoin might work as a PPARg transcription factor activator, which triggers anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting a beneficial effect of this compound. For experimental procedures, BV2 microglial cell line cultures were used and cytotoxicity was assessed through MTT assays with different concentrations of methylhydrocotoin. Anti-inflammatory effects were evaluated with 24h LPS-stimulated cells at 0,5µg/mL concentration, after a 2h methylhydrocotoin pre-treatment. Inflammation mediators were studied with qRT-PCR and Western Blot methods. Results showed that methylhydrocotoin treatment significantly reduces LPS-induced expression of pro-inflammatory mediators as IL6, MCP1, iNOS and TNF-α, while modulating the activity of transcription factors such as NF-kB, which is involved in inflammatory responses and is regulated through PPARg activation. As concluding remarks, results obtained bring an important approach into drug development with specific reversing effects of chronic microglial M1 polarization. Future research should consider evaluating neuroprotective effects of methylhydrocotoin elucidating its potential effects in vivo, expanding a field of knowledge that could increase the treatment possibilities for the big spectra of neurodegenerative disorders.
Keywords: nutraceutical
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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