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Title: Replanteamiento de los componentes de la formación socio-humanista de los estudios de pregrado de ingeniería en universidades colombianas
Author: Salamanca Correa, Rodrigo  
Tutor: Porta Fabregat, Josep Maria
Abstract: Multiple scholars on the subject of education consider that the training of engineering students in Latin America, and especially in Colombia, aims to achieve very high standards of technical-scientific knowledge with the particularities of each specialty, but at the same time this has resulted in a serious detriment to the formative elements in the field of humanities and social sciences, which should complement their professional criteria beyond the necessary emphasis on the ‘hard’ sciences when composing academic curricula, so that future professionals achieve a performance that effectively responds to the needs and interests of the community, in compliance with the necessary social function inherent to the exercise of the profession. This corresponds to the evolution of modernity and current times, which have created certain barriers between what we call human sciences, and other such as natural sciences or mathematics, when in its beginnings the most humanistic activity was precisely the scientific one, as perceived when reviewing the history of science; It is enough to remember how Descartes conceived that the tree of knowledge was unique, and both the human sciences and the others belonged to that same tree. It is a matter then, that such sciences being reconceived in an integrated way and managing to give it the complex meaning that is inherent to all human activity, including engineering, which is one of those fields of work that man has conceived through its development in history, to transform and achieve well-being based on the use of the physical environment that it inhabits and on which its subsistence depends. However, the so-called development is not only based on the achievement of aspects and material improvements, but should also be interpreted, considering the person as an integral, multidimensional and complex being, who acts correctly as an individual, but also as a participating member of a social order that is consciously capable of preserving social harmony, justice and giving precedence to the general interest, including the healthy preservation of its environment, and therefore of the human species in the nature that surrounds it; That should be the priority by virtue of its capacities for intelligence and rationality that it boasts of, in today's civilization.
Keywords: educación superior
formación integral
ciencias sociales
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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