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Title: Mi cuerpo, ¿mi decisión? Prostitución y gestación subrogada: una aproximación a las opiniones de la sociedad española
Author: Izquierdo Romagosa, Ester
Tutor: Madueño Hidalgo, Teresa  
Abstract: This research aims to know the opinion of Spanish society on prostitution and surrogacy, two practices that have in common the use of the woman's body. They will be analysed from moral philosophy and feminist theory, and we will compile and classify the main arguments for and against them. Next, we will create an opinion survey for the widest possible sample from Spain. Based on the results obtained, the answers to both will be compared in order to find possible similarities. All this, with the objective of finding out if there is a tendency to have the same opinion about one and the other, as well as to use the same arguments to take a stance in this regard.
Keywords: prostitution
human trafficking
Gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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