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Title: Interaccions entre els aliments i els antimicrobians orals d’ús sistèmic
Author: Jaume Gaya, Maria
Tutor: Alonso Osorio, María Josefa
Abstract: Introduction: Pharmacological interactions between antimicrobials and foods may interfere with the effectiveness or safety of patients. Given the rational use of medicines and the need to combat antimicrobial resistance, these must be taken into account when prescribing, dispensing and administering antimicrobials. Objective: To review and summarize the available evidence of interactions between food and systemic antibacterial drugs marketed in Spain by oral administration. Methodology: Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products was consulted to identify systemic antimicrobials marketed in Spain by oral administration. Once identified, drug product labelling, drug-databases (Botplus®, Micromedex®, Lexicom®, UptoDate®), clinical practice guide, and literature search were consulted on PubMed with the following search strategy: ("Food- Drug Interactions "[Mesh]) AND (" AntiInfective Agents "[Mesh] OR" Anti-Infective Agents "[Pharmacological Action]). Results: Tables have been developed to summarize the information and to establish the recommendations for the administration of the different antimicrobials, taking into account food. Discussion: Clinically relevant food-antimicrobial interactions have been described. Having it clear can improve patient information, identify gaps in knowledge and research in this field. Applicability of new lines of research: Interaction and food research in daily clinical practice can be an interesting and relevant field in establishing management recommendations. Conclusions: Systemic antibacterial drugs marketed in Spain by oral administration have been identified. Food-drug interactions are common.
Keywords: review
food-drug interactions
antimicrobial drug
drug interactions
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2020
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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