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Title: Red Wifi 802.11AC para envío de datos tren-tierra en el sector ferroviario
Author: Sabroso Barceló, Alberto
Tutor: Adelantado, Ferran  
Abstract: The purpose of this project is the design of a Wi-Fi network for train-ground communication on a newly built railway line in Mexico (‘Tren Maya’). This system will be responsible for downloading recordings from the train's CCTV system. These recordings will be stored on a server on the ground for greater availability. The main objective is to define the maximum transfer rate which can be obtained with the proposed architecture and technology. To achieve this, a study of the 802.11ac standard will be carried out. This study, together with OFDM and MU-MIMO, will provide the necessary data for the definition of the different elements that will be part of the architecture of the system. The methodology followed in this project consists of a theoretical study, a computer simulation of the operational environment and several tests in the laboratory considering two possible scenarios: a train depot (static) and a onekilometre long route (dynamic). In addition, thanks to the fact that there is a functional laboratory with the proposed Wi-Fi equipment, a series of tests will be carried out in order to typify the selected equipment and to verify the technical specification provided by the manufacturer. With these steps, a functional Wi-Fi5 system will be deployed with more than 100Mbps data rate for downloading onboard recordings. Finally, it should be noted that the soft roaming technique, incorporated in the Wi-Fi equipment, allows the client to scan the environment in motion and change the access point without losing connectivity.
Keywords: WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
MIMO (Multiple-input Multipleoutput)
WLC (Wireless Lan Controller)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 24-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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